Shenzhen Interpreter,Shenzhen Translator – Rebecca
Shenzhen Interpreter, Shenzhen Translator
Translator's Specialization
- Business
- Car Agency
- Chemistry
- Construction
Cities Available
- Shenzhen
Feel Free to Enquire! About "Shenzhen Interpreter,Shenzhen Translator – Rebecca"
Payment and Booking
Freelancer since Oct., 2016
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, BYD plant, escort interpreting
Tuck School of Business, visit in DJI (domestic leading unmanned aircraft player) and Huaqiang North
Venture Center, escort interpreting
Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Shenzhen, Machine Visual, liaison interpretation
Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks, China Science and Technology Development Institute, project
roadshow, consecutive interpreting
Walmart business negotiation, meeting interpreting
Harman, Logic of China Resources, meeting interpreting
Angel water purifier, video meeting interpreting
Sub-bureaus of the Entry and Exit Department, interrogation & follow-up interpreting (long-term)
Goodmaster receives foreign supplier, meeting interpreting
KAN CHUNG NIN, TONY, legal interpreting
Wanshan Jewelry, online interpreting
Laifei Artificial Flower, Norwegian space designer, escort interpreting
German brand Rosler, Chinese dealer’s meeting, meeting interpreting
South African Kelp Products International, Chinese dealer’s annual meeting, escort and meeting
CAPSA, French Director of Whole Vehicle Department, whispering simultaneous interpretation / meeting
consecutive interpreting, assistant & translator (1 month)
Kuka engineer visits JMC, site technical training, escort and consecutive interpreting
OPPO, mobile phone, design meeting interpreting, site translation
Shenzhen ZIDASV Communication Device Co., Ltd., factory visit reception, escort interpreting
XINGKE Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd., consecutive interpreting
Kemengchen Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd., factory visit reception, escort interpreting
Education, Training & Culture
Dolphin Media Shenzhen signature ceremony for William Grill, a best-selling author from England, escort
and consecutive interpreting
Jiachangyuan Group, international school project, escort interpreting
Hong Kong International School, coordination interpreting
Chinese traditional culture classes for foreign teachers in public schools in Baoan District of Shenzhen,
designated long-term interpreter
Season Group, influential leadership tutor Cheryl Crumb, customer service training for management, class
consecutive interpreting (in Jul., Sept., and Nov., 2018)